By: Pastor Bobbi Morgan

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…

Zechariah 4:10a NLT

Our family went to the park the other day and I noticed a new tree that had been planted in the middle of the park. It only stood about 3 1/2 feet tall. There were large, beautiful trees that towered over the kids playing in the park, yet the one that caught my eye was this tiny tree in the middle of all the mature trees. My mind wondered, “How large will it grow? How many kids will climb it? How many people will it shade? How many storms will it weather?” All these thoughts over a small tree in the middle of a park, in the middle of nowhere.

What new thing is God calling you to do? How far will you reach? How many people will be restored? How many broken lives will be repaired? Don’t allow the enemy to talk you out of the beautiful calling God has on your life. The trees that provided all that shade in the park started out tiny, just like the one that caught my eye. I assure you that you have caught the eye of your Maker, for He created you to blossom!!