By: Jill Collins

But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying Lord, save me.
Matthew 14:30 ASV

Peter was sinking quickly—for a brief moment, he probably thought, “I am a goner.” But then he cried out, and Jesus brought him out of the water.  
A few points here: Peter was called out to step onto the water by Jesus, so he did (obedience); maybe a little shaky and apprehensive, but he did it. Then he felt the wind and became unstable (second guessing his decision) and began to fall. Lastly, he cried out, “Save me” (he knew where his help came from), and Jesus immediately grabbed his hand.  
This scenario could relate to us all. We want to be obedient and step out; then, when we do and if it doesn’t go as “we” had planned, we bail or do it our own way. That usually ends in disaster because we didn’t trust. But Peter knew who to call on; even though he faltered and fell, Jesus was right there to pull him out. Remember, even when we go our own way, Jesus will always make a way when we cry out to him.