By: Jennifer Nystrom

I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5 NIV

With the arrival of Spring my mind goes to my garden. Don’t get the wrong idea, my garden is very humble. I do not have anything close to a green thumb, so I have to really work at getting any kind of “crop.” But my garden has taught me a lot.

If I neglect it, it dies. If I don’t properly weed it or feed it, it dies. If I don’t put the plants in the proper places, the bigger ones will choke out the smaller plants, and they die. Unfortunately, in my garden there is a lot of death. But I am learning.

Likewise, if I want my spiritual life to bear fruit, I need to abide in the One who gives me life, who gives me spiritual nourishment, who gives me strength. If I neglect my spiritual garden, it dies, or at the very least doesn’t produce fruit that is worthy of offering to the One who sacrificed so much for me.

I have learned that, like my garden, just abiding in Him for a short amount of time, my “garden” suffers. It is a day-to-day thing that needs time, attention and love every day.

Plan of action: Designate a specific time every day to spend time with the Lord and “cultivate” your own spiritual garden.