By: Jill Collins
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon (Peter), Put out into the deep water, and lower your nets for a haul.
Luke 5:4 AMP
This devotion really spoke to me. It comes from "The Everyday Life Bible” amplified version, with commentary from Joyce Meyer:
“The only way we will ever fulfill our destinies and succeed at being our true selves is to take many, many steps of faith. Stepping out into the unknown and launching out into the deep water.
Because of feelings of fear, many people never step out; therefore, they never find out what they are capable of. Each of us needs to obey God when He wants us to step out into something new or challenging. We are living in the dispensation of grace and many doors of opportunity are open to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Make a decision that you will not miss any opportunity that God gives you. Do what God asks you to do even if you must “do it afraid.” Feel the fear and do it anyway! “
Father help us to be obedient and not fear in stepping out into the unknown. For with you ALL things are possible! You will never leave us nor forsake us Father. Thank you, Father, for your guidance and faithfulness that is never failing.
When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon (Peter), Put out into the deep water, and lower your nets for a haul.
Luke 5:4 AMP
This devotion really spoke to me. It comes from "The Everyday Life Bible” amplified version, with commentary from Joyce Meyer:
“The only way we will ever fulfill our destinies and succeed at being our true selves is to take many, many steps of faith. Stepping out into the unknown and launching out into the deep water.
Because of feelings of fear, many people never step out; therefore, they never find out what they are capable of. Each of us needs to obey God when He wants us to step out into something new or challenging. We are living in the dispensation of grace and many doors of opportunity are open to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. Make a decision that you will not miss any opportunity that God gives you. Do what God asks you to do even if you must “do it afraid.” Feel the fear and do it anyway! “
Father help us to be obedient and not fear in stepping out into the unknown. For with you ALL things are possible! You will never leave us nor forsake us Father. Thank you, Father, for your guidance and faithfulness that is never failing.