By: Micaiah Wesler

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.
Psalm 68:9 NIV

Recently in pre-service prayer a few different people on our worship team began hearing from the Lord about rain. Pastor Matt didn't know that, but he began to speak about rain in his message that very service! I love when the Holy Spirit speaks a true word. It’s so amazing to see! 
The definition of rain is “moisture condensed from the atmosphere that falls visibly in separate drops.” The words that stuck out in that prayer meeting were “visibly” and “separate drops.” You never really think of rain being a million little separate and individual drops; you just look at the whole downpour. While that was being shared, I began to see a picture in my mind of Jesus standing on the stage during a service and everyone in the service could visibly see him. Then I started to hear each person in the congregation say “Look at Jesus! I’ve never seen anyone that looks so much like peace!” Then another person yelled out, “No! He looks like healing!” Another shouted, “No! He looks like restoration!” I knew immediately that the Lord was saying that He wanted to move in a way that people would be able to see Him like never before and He would release specific things for each person. The Lord wants to send rain so that each drop is targeted for a person and brings exactly what they need. 
In Exodus the Lord called Himself, “I am.” And what an open-ended statement that was! Just “I Am”...? That’s it? He is what? To those questions I would say: “Exactly.” God left it open ended as if it was a blank check. He is exactly what you truly need Him to be. He is saying, “I Am peace. I Am healing. I Am restoration.” In Him is everything that we could ever need and so much more. 
God wants to send abundant showers to refresh our weary lands and He is sending every separate rain drop with specific purpose to each individual. He is wanting to show Himself to you as “I Am” today. So get ready for the rain!