By: Jennifer Nystrom

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Galatians 5:1 NIV

Ask any soldier what the cost of freedom is and he will most likely say “everything.” My son served two tours overseas as a Captain in the Army. One in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. He was over there fighting for freedom, not only for his own country but for people he had never met or would possibly ever know. He saw atrocities that no mother ever wants her child to witness or experience. You ask him what freedom costs. He will tell you, everything.

We have been given freedom because of what Christ has done for us. We are part of his army. Our freedom costs everything. It was bought with the blood of the Creator of the universe’s one and only Son. He didn’t die so that we could live lives of reckless abandon, but that we might live lives worthy of the price that was paid. We are free to wear the name of Christian and to boldly proclaim that Jesus is Lord and Savior. We are free to love unconditionally and be compassionate to our fellow man. We are free to be faithful unto death to the One who gives us life. We are free.
It’s time we begin to give honor to this freedom, to live it out daily and to share this freedom with everyone we know. It’s time we “stand strong in that freedom” and never go back into the slavery that is sin again.