By: Dina Boitnott
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:6 MEV
We will be able to feel the presence of God radiating all He is in and through us when we are full. We will be stronger, more joyful, and at peace. God would like us to stay full, but we aren't always as hungry as we could be.
The 120 in the upper room after Jesus crucifixion were gloriously filled. I'm sure hunger was driving them. As we call out in desperation and hunger, He will fill us. It is our thirst and hunger that draws from Him. If we stay in a state of hunger, there will be a constant flow.
Sometimes our well needs to be primed a bit —pray for spiritual hunger.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5:6 MEV
We will be able to feel the presence of God radiating all He is in and through us when we are full. We will be stronger, more joyful, and at peace. God would like us to stay full, but we aren't always as hungry as we could be.
The 120 in the upper room after Jesus crucifixion were gloriously filled. I'm sure hunger was driving them. As we call out in desperation and hunger, He will fill us. It is our thirst and hunger that draws from Him. If we stay in a state of hunger, there will be a constant flow.
Sometimes our well needs to be primed a bit —pray for spiritual hunger.