By: Chandler Demler
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV
I want to share a devotion I read from the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible:
“Unity is a triple-braided cord. One friend plus another, plus Christ make the cord not easily broken. Our commitment to Christ binds us irrevocably to each other. We find our oneness in Him. We begin to think, feel, hope, and work with unity of purpose and direction. When Christ is the source and center of a friendship, negative forces cannot pull us apart. There is a buffer of Christ’s grace when we fail or disappoint each other. We belong to Him and to each other in spite of what happens around us. Christ longs for us to know the same oneness with one another that He has with the Father. To implement the answer to His own prayer for us, He engenders in us love, forgiveness, and patience for one another. When Christ is the unbreakable strand in the triple-braided cord, it cannot be severed. Praise Him for truly great friendships in which He is the strength of the relationship.”
I truly believe relationships are one of the greatest gifts God gave us on this earth. We aren’t designed to do life alone! Find someone in your life who you can speak life into and who can do the same for you. Someone who will keep you accountable, call your flaws, and help keep you on the right track. When we put God at the center of our relationships, we are truly unbreakable.
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12 NKJV
I want to share a devotion I read from the New Spirit-Filled Life Bible:
“Unity is a triple-braided cord. One friend plus another, plus Christ make the cord not easily broken. Our commitment to Christ binds us irrevocably to each other. We find our oneness in Him. We begin to think, feel, hope, and work with unity of purpose and direction. When Christ is the source and center of a friendship, negative forces cannot pull us apart. There is a buffer of Christ’s grace when we fail or disappoint each other. We belong to Him and to each other in spite of what happens around us. Christ longs for us to know the same oneness with one another that He has with the Father. To implement the answer to His own prayer for us, He engenders in us love, forgiveness, and patience for one another. When Christ is the unbreakable strand in the triple-braided cord, it cannot be severed. Praise Him for truly great friendships in which He is the strength of the relationship.”
I truly believe relationships are one of the greatest gifts God gave us on this earth. We aren’t designed to do life alone! Find someone in your life who you can speak life into and who can do the same for you. Someone who will keep you accountable, call your flaws, and help keep you on the right track. When we put God at the center of our relationships, we are truly unbreakable.