Honoring a Distant Dad
According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2020 there are 18.3 million kids in this country who are living in a "fatherless home". That means 1 in 4 kids this Father's Day won't have a dad to celebrate with, for whatever reason. In this episode, we're talking with Feather Farler about her experience with a distant father for many years of her life, how she came to a place of reconciliation with him, and how the Lord is still working on her through this situation. Above all else, we know that each one of us has a Heavenly Father that loves us without condition, He will never let us down, He will never leave us stranded, He will always be available to us, He will always comfort our brokenness, and He will "set the lonely in families" (Psalm 68:6) If you or someone you know is struggling to celebrate Father's Day this year because of a broken relationship with an earthly dad, we want to encourage you to lean into the Lord for guidance and wisdom and comfort and grace, and also lean into your church family!! Click the "share" button now to spread this message of hope and grace!!