Healing from Addiction

Jan 12, 2022    Michele Stewart

Do you really, truly trust God with your life? This is a question Michele Stewart was faced with almost 15 years ago when she was facing the battle of her life against addiction. She had been to treatment facilities, prison, homeless and alienated from her kids and family. In 2008, she had an encounter with God that changed her life and in that moment she knew she had to "let God" heal her. Healing is hard work, and it's something that takes time. Michele's testimony is full of hope for anyone dealing with an addiction, and if you or a woman you know is working through healing and recovery from an addiction, Michele is leading a CARE Group starting Thursday, January 27 to provide support for those who are on their journey to healing! Sign up at fopchurch.net/fopgroups or email Michele directly at [email protected]