By: Tim & Cheri Henderson
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17 NKJV
Although Cheri's father left for heaven several years ago, we recall his earthly birthday celebrations with amused fondness. Dad was famous for taking forever to open a gift! When he was handed a brightly wrapped package, he’d set the gift on his lap and study it, grinning. Then he might hold the gift up to the light, softly shake it, or run his hands over it, feeling for any unusual bumps or edges. Surrounded by an audience of expectant family members, he would then begin the process of slowly, excruciatingly removing each piece of scotch tape... being ever so careful not to rip or mar the wrapping paper in any way. When the last piece of tape was finally removed, he would slowly lift one corner of the wrapping paper, peak inside and look up at his audience with another grin. Finally, he’d reveal the gift much to our delight... and relief! Dad took great pleasure in opening his gifts. There was no rush to “get on with it,” rather, he did all he could to savor, prolong, and enjoy the moment.
In a similar way, we are surrounded by gifts that have been created by our heavenly Father for our pleasure, to be savored and enjoyed. Think about it: Many of the things we see and hear are gifts to us, products of God’s wonderful creative hand. As small as a tiny flower or as grand as a mountain, as lovely as the song of a bird or the sound of a soft summer rain, His gifts are there, waiting to be seen and appreciated and to speak to us in individual, God-designed ways. Too often we move through life with blinders on, flying along at warp speed, trying to complete all of our many tasks, rushing through our days so quickly we don’t think about creation or our Creator, let alone sit back, relish and enjoy his gifts… and Him.
So take a lesson from Dad. Slow down. Savor the moment. And truly enjoy “opening the gifts” God has given you. He’ll watch with pleasure.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
James 1:17 NKJV
Although Cheri's father left for heaven several years ago, we recall his earthly birthday celebrations with amused fondness. Dad was famous for taking forever to open a gift! When he was handed a brightly wrapped package, he’d set the gift on his lap and study it, grinning. Then he might hold the gift up to the light, softly shake it, or run his hands over it, feeling for any unusual bumps or edges. Surrounded by an audience of expectant family members, he would then begin the process of slowly, excruciatingly removing each piece of scotch tape... being ever so careful not to rip or mar the wrapping paper in any way. When the last piece of tape was finally removed, he would slowly lift one corner of the wrapping paper, peak inside and look up at his audience with another grin. Finally, he’d reveal the gift much to our delight... and relief! Dad took great pleasure in opening his gifts. There was no rush to “get on with it,” rather, he did all he could to savor, prolong, and enjoy the moment.
In a similar way, we are surrounded by gifts that have been created by our heavenly Father for our pleasure, to be savored and enjoyed. Think about it: Many of the things we see and hear are gifts to us, products of God’s wonderful creative hand. As small as a tiny flower or as grand as a mountain, as lovely as the song of a bird or the sound of a soft summer rain, His gifts are there, waiting to be seen and appreciated and to speak to us in individual, God-designed ways. Too often we move through life with blinders on, flying along at warp speed, trying to complete all of our many tasks, rushing through our days so quickly we don’t think about creation or our Creator, let alone sit back, relish and enjoy his gifts… and Him.
So take a lesson from Dad. Slow down. Savor the moment. And truly enjoy “opening the gifts” God has given you. He’ll watch with pleasure.