Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

In the FOP Kidz ministry, our mission is to foster within each child the desire to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ. It is our primary goal to impact the children of our community with the message of Christ's love and encourage children to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. We encourage growth in their relationship with Jesus Christ and His Word through relevant biblical teaching, positive role modeling, creative fun, and opportunities to discover who God created them to be. For more information on our FOP Kidz ministry, contact our FOP Kidz pastor, Alex Elliott.

Our Classes

FOP Junior Kidz: Birth to 5 years old (not in kindergarten) meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM and 11 AM upstairs.
FOP Kidz: Kindergarten to 5th Grade meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM and 11 AM upstairs in the Kids Church room.

Your Child's Safety

For the safety of your children, every volunteer who works in our FOP Kidz department have been screened and completed a background check. Fellowship of Praise uses a simple and efficient check in system to provide additional security for your children called KidCheck. You can register your child online for this system by clicking here. Each time you check-in, you will receive a name-tag displaying your child’s information and a randomized numeric code. Please attach this name tag to your child’s clothing. In addition to your child’s name tag, you will be given a printed parent claim tag for child pick up. Your claim tag will match the numeric code on your child’s name tag. When picking up your child, your teacher will match the code on your child’s name tag with the one on your claim tag. Your code number will appear on the screen to the left of the stage in the Worship Center if we need to page you to come assist your child during service.

Child Dedication

Group child dedications are held twice a year in April and October. Your child will receive a Bible and your family will be presented to the congregation. Just as Hannah dedicated her son Samuel to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1, Pastor Matt and our FOP Kidz staff will join the congregation in praying over you and your family as you publicly dedicate your child to the Lord’s service and declare your intentions to raise your child to know, serve, fear and love the Almighty God. To sign up for Child Dedication, click here to fill out an Info Form.  

Ways to Serve in FOP Kidz

No matter your ability or skill set, we can always use you in the FOP Kidz ministry! There are several ways to help support our FOP Kidz ministry. To volunteer, click here to fill out our Info Form.  You could volunteer 1-2 times per month to serve in any of our nurseries/ classrooms as a teacher or a teacher’s helper, or to assist with special events including: