By: Elle Buell

“So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you. For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers.”  
John 13:34-35 TPT

This is going to be a very short devotion because the lesson is so simple: love others. Christ Himself said that if you love people, then they will know you are a TRUE FOLLOWER of His. That’s it. 
Pastor Orville Robinson, under whose ministry I grew up, always used to say, “You don’t have to like me to get to heaven, but you do have to love me.” It took me a long time to realize that when someone hurts me, after I forgive them it’s acceptable to recognize that we shouldn’t keep company with each other. Sometimes it’s better to love certain people from afar. The key here is to love people. Some are harder to love than others, but we are commanded by God to love, easy or difficult.  
Today, I challenge you to consider this scripture and ask yourself over and over if you are demonstrating that you’re a “true follower” of Christ through your love of others.