By: Rocky Burnell
Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Revelation 2:5 NIV
Many times in my life I have been so busy and so consumed with everything around me; I think we can all say we have been there. At times, I was caught up with what I deemed as “ministry.” It’s in those moments and seasons where I must stop and regroup. I have had seasons where I was ministering several days a week, working in the church almost daily, yet I could slowly feel the fire in my lamp dwindling. Some would ask how that is even possible, but the possibility of our lamps burning out is more real than we could ever imagine. And let me tell you, it will happen before you know it!
Just like Revelation 2:5 says, we have to stop and consider where we are. Consider how far we have fallen. And yes, contrary to popular belief, you can fall while being “busy” in ministry. Then it goes on to tell us to “do the things [we] did at first”. Go back to when we first fell in love with simply being in His presence.
Once we have considered how far we have gone off the map God intended for us to follow, we must repent. When we go to the Father with that heart of repentance, then and only then will our lamp continue to burn.
We must get to that place where we daily say, “Lord, nothing else will do, I just want YOU.” Trust me when I say that once you come to the conclusion that nothing but His presence will satisfy, and you begin to let go of yourself and get caught up in HIM, your lamp will burn brighter than ever.
Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.
Revelation 2:5 NIV
Many times in my life I have been so busy and so consumed with everything around me; I think we can all say we have been there. At times, I was caught up with what I deemed as “ministry.” It’s in those moments and seasons where I must stop and regroup. I have had seasons where I was ministering several days a week, working in the church almost daily, yet I could slowly feel the fire in my lamp dwindling. Some would ask how that is even possible, but the possibility of our lamps burning out is more real than we could ever imagine. And let me tell you, it will happen before you know it!
Just like Revelation 2:5 says, we have to stop and consider where we are. Consider how far we have fallen. And yes, contrary to popular belief, you can fall while being “busy” in ministry. Then it goes on to tell us to “do the things [we] did at first”. Go back to when we first fell in love with simply being in His presence.
Once we have considered how far we have gone off the map God intended for us to follow, we must repent. When we go to the Father with that heart of repentance, then and only then will our lamp continue to burn.
We must get to that place where we daily say, “Lord, nothing else will do, I just want YOU.” Trust me when I say that once you come to the conclusion that nothing but His presence will satisfy, and you begin to let go of yourself and get caught up in HIM, your lamp will burn brighter than ever.