By: Pastor Matt Morgan

And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? (Mark 8:36 NLT)
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33 KJV)

We, as a people, are never content. Our culture has taught us “more” is the answer to happiness. In reality, the key to self-fulfillment is self-denial. We hate the thought of delayed gratification. The more you get, the less you enjoy it! The Scriptures tell us about a rich young ruler. He followed rules but couldn’t follow Jesus. He was rich, he was young, and he was extremely sad! He wasn’t possessed by demons, he was possessed by possessions.  
Billy Graham said, “There is a high cost to low living.” Your obedience or disobedience will leverage your eternity. Destiny will be decided by your own decisions. What does the world have to offer? Power, money, fame, success? Does this truly satisfy? Truly, God wants to bless us here on Earth, and someday, wants to reward us in Heaven.  
There is nothing wrong with being blessed as long as the blessing doesn’t become the prize. Jesus is the goal—He is the prize. Deuteronomy 8:18 reminds us that it is God who gives the ability to produce wealth—your blessing is His idea! God wants us to gain the world, but never at the expense of losing our communion with Him. We are called to seek God first in all things and then things are added. The Savior always comes before stuff. If you gain the world and lose your soul, you’ve accomplished nothing. What will it matter if you’re the richest person in the cemetery? Through the lens of eternity, we must conduct our lives with conviction. This world is not our home.