Group Leader: Roseann Lobser
When: Fridays at 7pm
Where: 8625 US-22 Clarksville, OH 45113 (FOP Church)
Childcare: No
There are some Fridays that we will not meet due to Church activities. Roseann will let you know these date at your first meeting.
1) avoid cancer causing agents
2) identify and pray to stop generational curses and diseases
3) eat healthy food whenever possible
4) Use the powerful Word of God to speak life and longevity to your own body
3John 2 "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth"
Reference Books (do not need to own these books for the group)
The Makers Diet, by Jordan Rubin
Body balanced by Nature, by Janet Maccaro PHD
Healthy Eating Cook Book, by Roseann Marie Lobser
Stop the Curse, Receive God's Blessings